Do you offer a guarantee on the flowers?

Heck yes! We guarantee 95% of your flowers (with an industry standard 5% loss expected during shipping).
We also replace/refund any missing, damaged, or dramatically off-color flowers so long as you send us photos within 24 hours of receipt and fill out this form. If we don’t hear from you, we can’t help you!

Read on for the full Moxie Blooms guarantee.

We guarantee 95% swoon-worthy blooms aka love at first petal aka vivid fantasies about opening your own flower shop in the south of France.

What about the other 5%? Even florists lose a few blooms during the shipping process. It's normal and unavoidable, like getting an uggo Granny Smith in an otherwise immaculate bunch.

What if I receive some whack flowers? We will re-ship the flowers at no extra cost to you OR refund your money for the damaged flowers. In the rare case that you receive less-than-lovely flowers, send us 2-3 photos within 24 hours of receipt. This is for major issues ("my peony looks like it was in a mosh pit"), not natural imperfections.

Gah! My flowers are the wrong color! If you order light pink roses and receive Lisa Frank magenta roses, we will replace the flowers via overnight shipping OR refund the cost. Remember that slight color variations, streaks, or small spots are normal. Mother Nature does what she wants, so we cannot guarantee exact color tone matches.

Looks like I'm missing flowers? Before you sound the SOS alarm, double check all of your packing. 80% of the time, the more delicate flowers are hiding away. If you're still coming up short, contact Moxie Blooms ASAP and any missing items will be shipped at no extra cost.

Will some of my flowers be substituted? Only as an absolutely last resort. We do not ship janky flowers. So if one of your items is inexplicably wilted or held up in customs because of a friggen hurricane, we will make reasonable substitutes to do you right. All substitutes are carefully based on color palette, size, and price. We will give you as much notice as possible, but sometimes we are only made aware of flower availability the week or day of your delivery.

Remember that flowers are perishable, time-sensitive beings. Moxie Blooms is not responsible for damages resulting from inclement weather or freezing temperatures due to an extended absence on behalf of the customer. Moxie Blooms is further released from responsibility due to delays on behalf of the shipping companies or acts of God. Complaints must be submitted within 24 hours of receiving the flowers and accompanied by photos. We will gladly work with you to solve any concerns

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