My flowers are delayed. What do I do?

While we want to kick FedEx in the shins for you, we can work around this.

Email our orders team at

If your flowers get hung up with FedEx, you will receive them the following day. Even with a delay, your blooms will more than likely be as resilient as a Royal who’s just given birth.
Next, get yourself majorly prepared to receive your blooms. Get all the water in the buckets and vases and let your helpers know of any change in plans.
Upon receiving your flowers, unbox everything but LEAVE IT ALL in its wrappings and cardboard.
Give all blooms and greenery a fresh, DEEP cut. We’re talking 3-5'' off to cut away any dried-out stem while allowing the flower to drink and soak up maximum hydration.
Let the flowers rehydrate for ONE HOUR and then remove all wrappings. This supports heavier blooms that would otherwise droop while drinking. (Relatable.)
After removing all wrapping an hour later, take a good look at your blooms. Send us pictures asap of any flowers that look concerning. We got you!
Finally, use the air from a cool blow dryer (HEAT OFF) to help blow any roses open.

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